Cart “24pcs Gold/Silver Dinnerware Set Stainless Steel Tableware Knives Fork Spoon Rack Cutlery Set” has been added to your basket. Continue shoppingRemove itemThumbnail imageProductPriceQuantitySubtotal × 24pcs Gold/Silver Dinnerware Set Stainless Steel Tableware Knives Fork Spoon Rack Cutlery Set KSh 2,499.00 24pcs Gold/Silver Dinnerware Set Stainless Steel Tableware Knives Fork Spoon Rack Cutlery Set quantity KSh 2,499.00 Update basket Basket totalsSubtotalKSh 2,499.00TotalKSh 2,499.00You Save!KSh 251.00 Proceed to checkoutBack to Shop